Monday, May 21, 2012


Smoking is a very bad habit for some people and for some it’s not a bad habit at all. How i feel about smoking is I feel that it’s a very bad habit and should be banned because it not only in troupes with the smoker but also the people around and they can’t do anything about you and your smoking. Dr. Douglas Bettcher contrasted a study on tobacco and farmed a report and called it WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative. One billion people will die from tobacco-related causes by the end of the century. "Smoking kills about 5.4 million people each year — one every six seconds — from lung cancer, heart disease or other illness directly linked to tobacco use." The purpose of this article was a directive to countries to warn people about the many dangers of tobacco. "If you can't measure a problem, you obviously can't manage it," said Mayor Bloomberg, who banned smoking in New York City's restaurants and bars in 2003.I feel studies on this report collected data should equip countries around the world to begin implementing anti-tobacco policies, including smoking bans, and tobacco tax hikes should be in place. "A recent Chinese study found that "only 25% of the Chinese population knew tobacco was bad for their health," Dr. Douglas Bettcher explained." I feel after all of these studies why is smoking still very much so legal in countries. I have a very strong opinion about smoking I can’t stand it or even the smell of the cigarette smoke.  But, that’s just my opinion other people may have different opinions than I have they might think that smoking is a good thing but, who’s to say which opinion is right and who’s opinion is wrong.


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